One of my favorite places to take pictures of Isabelle is in the tub. This may be because she's confined to a somewhat small area and can't get away quickly, it may be because it's one of the places she's happiest, or it may have somethig to do with the fact that I can bounce my flash off the walls of the tub and get some cool lighting effects. In any case, it's one of my favorite spots to get pics of her. I would try this approach with Alex, however I doubt he'd be as thrilled to have me in there snapping away at him in his birthday suit. Speaking of birthdays- his is tomorrow and he's TOTALLY STOKED to be turning 10. Yup, he's a pre-teen. Say a little prayer for us, would ya? Teen years will not be much fun, I can tell already! I came across some pictures of him at 2 the other day and I'm amazed he ever looked like that- you know, innocent and sweet?... LOL, I'm kidding, but it is amazing to look back and see him at Isabelle's age. If I could get my scanner working I'll post the pics, they're some of my favorites- you also wouldn't recognize me in them, I'm young and THIN- oh so thin! Ah one day I'll get there again. So anyway, blogger's still acting up for me, it took FOREVER to get these 4 pics to load, so I'll have to try the rest of the b'day pics again tomorrow. I'm off to wrapp Alex's presents for tomorrow- nothing like procrastination, right? TTFN.