Friday, June 19, 2009

Newborn to Senior

I'm wrapping up some loose ends, finnishing some editing, building a blogsite that has bigger images (because frankly I'm sick of my horizontal images getting cut off no matter how small I size them and I'm sick of tiny pictures that don't fill the screen.) I've been couped up indoors for two days and my social skills are hurting from it. I'm done with the rain and cold tempatures. Though I am thankful we havne't turned on the AC yet, though I'm sure NYSEG is bumming.

So- the loose ends, I finally got around to making this sweet collage of newborn pictures from miss H's session. I'm in love with the perfect little lips and soft skin.


And now for the Senior stuff- a couple more favorites from the Trash the Prom Dress session I did this week...





I simply LOVE her eyes- I bet she's got her Daddy wrapped around her little finger with eyes like that...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trash the Prom Dress!!!

It's prom season, well, the end of prom season anyway. After all the coursages have wilted and died, the music has been played, the up-do's have been replaced with ponytails and the dress you chose to fit perfectly hangs in the closet- or sits on the floor in the general area of the closet. All that's left is graduation and fading memories. But what to do with the dress??? Wear it again? Hang it in the closet so you can find it 20 years later when mom and dad finally make you "take all your old stuff or they'll throw it out!"... Nahhh, where's the fun in that???

Trash It!!!

This beautiful girl is blessed with many a formal dress that she'll never wear again- which makes for a fantastic wardrobe of options... Enjoy these, and I'll get a few more up as I wade through them all!




Monday, June 15, 2009

Seriously... beautiful

I have shared this couple before, in fact these are from the same session, but as I edit the remaining gazillion images, I keep falling in love with them more. So I just might dedicate more than the typical one "sneak peek". Since I have SO many images to edit from that session, they were such good sports about doing all kinds of nutty things, and it's taking a bit longer than normal, I'll give them a few extra sneaks- and everyone else gets to see more of the session! Win on all angles.

SO- without further adieu here's the happy couple:



oh- She's beautiful in B&W, but those eyes deserve the color, seriously...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Can't help myself...

I already posted the sneak peek for the S family, but I finished editing the rest of the session and I just HAVE to share this one too.


That's all.

Oh- PS- hopefully sometime next week I'll be posting pictures of a different kind of Baby!!! Congrats to my amazing sister on her TWO new babies!!! I can't wait to see them and take their pictures... I almost came over today, only it'll be easier without Isabelle, just DON'T tell her!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Katrina & Ryan: an Engaging couple

I had a wonderful time photographing my sweet sister in law and her hubby-to-be, they were up for anything! I had a very hard time picking a few for their sneak peek, and of course I'll throw in a couple versions of some of them as well- I should just accept that I'm indecisive and go with it, some would say it's the middle child in me.
I played more than I usually do with these, processesed them different than normal for me. Or rather different than I would for clients... me, I like to funk things up a bit every once in a while- brings me back to my younger years when I'd wear dresses with jeans and thought I was such a rebel. Push some boundaries. Anyway- you're here for the pictures, not the self reflection, so here they are!
This is one of my favorites, if I were actually able to pick a favorite- they look like models in a Gap ad (or maybe something edgier- like Guess?)... I just LOVE it:Photobucket
and because I'm indecisive like that- the color version too:



Hey- Look, I can post only ONE version of something! See!?

And we're back to two...


That's what I've been doing today- processing these and trying to decide which ones I'd do first, how I was doing them, you know. I neglected the dishes, forgot the laundry and didn't clean a single thing. Don't worry, I didn't forget the kids- they make too much noise. Especially Isabelle.

Katrina and Ryan, I hope you enjoy these, I'll be in touch with the rest soon!