So my weekly posts haven't been happening, but it's not 3 months later, so that's somehting, right? I've been shooting RAW and since the process is so new it takes me alot longer to process a single image, and don't get me started on batch processing! I haven't quite figured that one out yet. I did find out that I can process RAW with an Adobe plug in. That's great, and now that it's "on" my computer I am one step closer to shortening my process time... I just need to figure out what went wrong when I downloaded the plug in and why my computer isn't seeing it AT ALL. Hmmm. SO- I'll shoot in jpeg again untill I figure that one out. I have been pretty good about my pic a day goal, but between me, E and the boy all getting seriously sick this past week, I did slack off a couple of days.
Iz has been bussy talking up a storm and once I break out the rosetta stone I can usually figure out what she's saying. Most of the time it's really great- full sentences great. However, occasionally she can't quite find the words for what she wants to say and will babble a bunch of stuff and throw in a recognizable word or two. She gets so mad when we can't figure out what she's saying, she repeats it untill we get it (or are able to distract her with such things as candy and trips to the pet store to see puppies). She also thinks she's quite funny and sneaky. Her favorite thing to do lately is "suprise" us by tiptoeing up to one of us and screaming "BOO" over and over again, untill we act suprised. Doesn't matter if she knows we just watched her walk across the room right infront of us, we MUST be suprised. LOL. A is loving the 3 day weekend and didn't complain once when I had him help me clean the kitchen and livingroom... you know a kid doesn't want to go to school when he's happy to clean on his day off.
Anyway, I guess I should get to the pictures, huh? I swear I take pictures of A, it's just he's not home most of the time and poor Iz gets to be my guinnea pig... she'd rather I took pics of A and left her alone!

Goofing around: