In that lovely, large state of Texas (and perhaps elsewhere, I'm not sure) there is a wonderful phenomenon every spring. All over the state fields of beautiful "blue bonnet" wildflowers errupt. People will stop along the roadside, plop their children (dressed in their easter finery or sunday best, I'm sure) into the middle of these fields and snap a few dozen picutres. Photographers have sessions with their clients in fields of these delicate, colorful blooms. It's beautiful- or at least I imagine. You see, I've heard of these fields, buy I have never actually
seen them for myself. I have seen pictures from these sessions of fellow photographers, and they are fantastic images. The problem is that I do not live in a state like Texas, where wildflowers spread over fields- at least not THIS early in the year. I live in New York. Specifically "Cloud-i-cott" as we locals deem it every year. I thought that any chance of an early spring session in a field of wildflowers was just not meant to be for this photographer.
Then along came the Dandilions! Sure, they're technically a weed- people don't want them invading their lawns and we all fight the good fight for dandilion free lawns each year, but they CAN be pretty! Seriously!
I happen to drive by a few fields just about every day- well there's this one that I never take much notice of- untill today. It was filled with dandilions- little yellow blooms all over the place. And, I just so happened to have my camera with me. Now I hadn't planned this impromptu session, so the outfit isn't exactly what I would have chosen, but hey, it really works. SO- here's a teaser for you- just one image from today- I have to get to editing the rest. Tomorrow.
Who Needs Blue Bonnets? Not Me!