Life has a tendancy to get away from me... tell me it happens to the rest of the world too, right? I'm not the only one? There have been many shocks and changes around here, some rather upsetting things, to put it lightly, from my hubby getting laid off along with over 700 of his co-workers, to the loss of my sister and her familys' house in a fire last week, it has been a not so good July. I think we are going to skip July from now on. Yup, not a good month for our family. SO- in the midst of all the stress, saddness, confusion and fear- I was SO happy and blessed to go up and take pictures of my sisters' horses. I had forgotten how incredible these animals are and how they can make you feel. I don't think I stopped smiling the whole time I was up there. They're just so beautiful and calming. I remember feeling so centered when I was younger and used to ride. Just being around them can make you feel better- it's no wonder there are so many therapy programs that involve horses. It's no wonder to me that my sister has such love for her horses- for her babies. She glows when she's with them, she's so amazing the way she handles them, the way they respond to her. SO today, I am going to share just a couple of the "artsy" images I was able to get up there (unfortunately I ran out of space on my cards, so I didn't get to do too many artsy shots, but that's ok, I'll go back again, I'm sure!)
One of the babies- they're so dang cute and spunky!


That's all for now- I have to get the kids to swimming now! Summer is always a busy time for us- just call me "Taxi Mom!"