Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Alex's first day of school- 5th grade! Oh My!
Isabelle's helping to clean the cottage for close- by making kicks angels!
Alex became quite the fish this summer.
Izzy having a blast at the park.

Alex also became really good at helping with the lines and bumpers on Bapa's boat. He's a true "River Kid" now!
Out front- Love the hat.
"I see you" she said. Her personality is just so big now, she's got a great sense of humor- just ask her- "I'm funny" she'll reply.

It's been a while since I posted any pics, and I'm sure I have some "good" ones I SHOULD be posting, but I wanted to share a few from recent weeks. We've been crazy since school started, the following week I started working at Sunset Photo, and I hadn't even uploaded my memory stick from Labor day weekend untill TODAY. That's insane for me, but I guess I've been bussy.Well, hope you enjoyed the peek into our every day lives...
I'll post again soon, since I seem to have figured out the issues with blogger- well, they seem to have figured themselves out! lol

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The kiddos- lotta love here

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here are a couple of new pics from a shoot we did in BInghamton. I found a few locations that I liked while driving around and Earl finally had a day off to give me a hand chasing Isabelle.

I'd like to post more, but I'm not sure this is going to work- Blogger won't upload any pics for me and I'm starting to get ticked off. We'll see if this works or not, then I'll have a work around. I did order the B&W one in a 20x24 canvas for the house.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Bath time

One of my favorite places to take pictures of Isabelle is in the tub. This may be because she's confined to a somewhat small area and can't get away quickly, it may be because it's one of the places she's happiest, or it may have somethig to do with the fact that I can bounce my flash off the walls of the tub and get some cool lighting effects. In any case, it's one of my favorite spots to get pics of her. I would try this approach with Alex, however I doubt he'd be as thrilled to have me in there snapping away at him in his birthday suit. Speaking of birthdays- his is tomorrow and he's TOTALLY STOKED to be turning 10. Yup, he's a pre-teen. Say a little prayer for us, would ya? Teen years will not be much fun, I can tell already! I came across some pictures of him at 2 the other day and I'm amazed he ever looked like that- you know, innocent and sweet?... LOL, I'm kidding, but it is amazing to look back and see him at Isabelle's age. If I could get my scanner working I'll post the pics, they're some of my favorites- you also wouldn't recognize me in them, I'm young and THIN- oh so thin! Ah one day I'll get there again. So anyway, blogger's still acting up for me, it took FOREVER to get these 4 pics to load, so I'll have to try the rest of the b'day pics again tomorrow. I'm off to wrapp Alex's presents for tomorrow- nothing like procrastination, right? TTFN.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Well, here are a few pics from the kids' birthday party. I can't believe they're 10 and 2!!! It's insane. The funny part is that Alex turning 10 makes me feel SO much older. We all had a great time and we were glad to see so many family members there with us. We missed those of you who couldn't make it, and look forward to seeing you all soon. I'll post the rest of the pics later, since I seem to be having issues with uploading pics here today. Hmmm.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I can't decide which version I like better... what do you think?

We've been on vacation for the past week and are now trying to regain some sense of normalcy. I have a ton of pics from vacation, but I'll only post a few tonight, it's getting close to my bed time! LOL.

Alex touched some fish- one of which was a shark, and the starfish you see here, the Aqua Zoo was pretty cool and once Isabelle woke up she enjoied it too!
We got some time to just relax, so I took Isabelle up to the swing at the top of the hill. She kept calling for Grandma and Bapa, looking towards their cottage. She just didn't understand that they were working! Daddy soon joined her on the swing and she could have spent the rest of the day there gently rocking in the breeze.
The lighthouse is where we went on the 4th. It was a rainy, dreary day but the kids had fun checking things out.

I hope everyone's 4th went well. I'll post more from the vacation as soon as I proof them. TTFN.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Well, it's about time I update again, I think my average is going up. We all went up to the park the other day and I took about a zillion pictures, now I get to proof them all. Whoot. I went through a few of them tonight and that's basically what you see here. I wanted to get a good shot of the two boys for them, and I'm pleased with the results so far. I have to say that I love the one of Alex, since he has a hint of a smile. He tends to get all serious every time I point the camera his way, either he's nervous infront of it, or he's getting all moody and adolescent. I hope that it's the first, though I doubt it, since I've been pointing cameras in his face since the day he was born. The last one of Isabelle and the one of her and Earl have this mood about them that I just love. She's gotten difficult to photograph- she never stops moving and NEVER looks at the camera- I have a series of pictures with her brother and her at the park- every one is her looking away from me, no matter where I stand. I HOPE this is just a phase, we'll see. Anyway, enjoy these for now. As always I hope to get some more up soon.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

icecream and playgrounds

Well, I've got tons to get in here, but I've only got time for a few. These are from the last few weeks at the river, at the park, eating Icecream and one of Sandi that I love.

The trip to the park at the river started out well enough, I was looking all tourist-y with my camera- it's funny how some places you look like a photog and others you look like a tourist. Anyway, it's something I'm willing to deal with to get the shot- it's actually the least of my worries, but Earl was a bit embarassed I think. LOL. Oh well. In the end this trip to the park ended in a concussion for me, but I got better. Little tip- don't go running through the tunnels once you're over 4 ft. tall.

The next ones are from a trip to Twisters icecream stand, man was that fun. Isabelle wore most of hers because she smooshed the cone, then she shared with Daddy and Alex and man, did she get mad when we threw the last of the cone out. She's needed a bath every night since the warm weather started. It's all part of summer I guess! The last two are just from random shoots around the house. We have some friends staying with us for a bit and I got a pic of Sandi that I think turned out rather well. The piggy tails that Isabelle's sporting are the FIRST ones she's ever left in more than 5 secconds.

We're looking forward to a summer filled with fun and excitement, lots of photo ops and plenty of SUN. I'll keep posting more pics for all to see.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Well, I've been rather bussy snapping away, and aside from a shoot that I'm going to re-shoot- it's all been going rather well. I know it's been a while since I posted- I need to get better about that, I also found process called Orton's that I've applied to a few images to try it out- and I LOVE it... that's what makes some of these look dreamy.

I'll make another post soon with more pics! (promise!)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Publicity photos for Master Rexer

Well, I've had my first paying gig! I did the shoot last weekend, edited and proofed the pics and am pretty pleased with how they turned out. I'll share a few of my favorites here... it was interresting work since it's not "what I do". Sports photography is a rather different feel and experience to it, but the client is pretty pleased with the results, as am I. Ok, enough about all that- here are some of the pics.