Well, it's about time I update again, I think my average is going up. We all went up to the park the other day and I took about a zillion pictures, now I get to proof them all. Whoot. I went through a few of them tonight and that's basically what you see here. I wanted to get a good shot of the two boys for them, and I'm pleased with the results so far. I have to say that I love the one of Alex, since he has a hint of a smile. He tends to get all serious every time I point the camera his way, either he's nervous infront of it, or he's getting all moody and adolescent. I hope that it's the first, though I doubt it, since I've been pointing cameras in his face since the day he was born. The last one of Isabelle and the one of her and Earl have this mood about them that I just love. She's gotten difficult to photograph- she never stops moving and NEVER looks at the camera- I have a series of pictures with her brother and her at the park- every one is her looking away from me, no matter where I stand. I HOPE this is just a phase, we'll see. Anyway, enjoy these for now. As always I hope to get some more up soon.
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