Well, I have a million pictures to share with you from my WPPI trip to Vegas last week, but the little princess is not too happy with me for spending time on my computer, so I'll share what I've done so far. It was a whirl-wind of a trip, but totally worth it, and SO much fun. I learned alot- not the least of which is 1- stay in the hotel of the convention- walking SUCKS, and 2- wear REALLY good sneakers. I know that things would have been a million times better if I'd just done those two things, but still, it was a great trip. Our hotel was great, nice room, nice place... the kids would have loved it.

We met some really great people, and I DID NOT get pictures of all of them- however, Jacqui was one that we got to know pretty well- and we'll keep in touch with I'm sure. Maybe we'll meet up again next year? This is us- Jacqui, Me, Jen... I should liquify my arms... I should edit the crap out of this picture of me, but I didn't- I'm being brave (or lazy?)

One half of a dinamic duo we had dinner next to- he took the above picture- I promised I'd get his mug up here... I only wish I'd gotten a pic of his lovely fiance!

Ok- so Jen and I took a couple of hours to shop the strip- it was fun, interresting and colorful. This guy was one of the colorful parts- Jen was not so happy with me for taking his pic, but I promise he didn't know I was there... I call it "Portrait of a Gambler"

and "Lost it All"

yup- there I go again with two versions... I swear, I usually can make a decision, but sometimes when I play with an image enough, I like more than one... se la vie.
That's all for now- I've got to get Isabelle fed before she grinds raisins into my keyboard.