Isabelle's finally turned the corner, I think. She may be going from the "run away from the camera as soon as mommy gets it out" to the "ohh, I love the camera, and the camera LVOES me!" It's like a whole new kid- I actually get EYE CONTACT and she will actually POSE-ish for me! We cleaned the living room together, so that we could tear it appart again to set up my lights the other day. You would have thought she was a MOVIE star! lol. She's getting into dress up and it deffinately helped that I had some fun new "props" for her to play with... though there's a certain umbrella (berella) that I may have lost forever to a certain 3ft tall munchkin, but oh well. For this kind of eye contact, I'll take it!
I'm only sharing one today- but more will follow. These all have a purpose, I actually had intent when going into this shoot... and I came out of it with 50+ images that I LOVE. I will be bussy, bussy! Oh- and don't tell Alex, but tomorrow it's his turn! I might have to bribe him- I'm open to suggestions there!
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