So occasionally I truely believe that I can be crafty- well, I can, but not everything turns out the way I'd like. I had success with the knitting loom to make some props, but crochet- well, that didn't go so well. Lets just say that 9+ mos and all I ended up with was a mis-shapen, square-ish blanket looking thing that was only big enough to be used for a doll. Not the beautiful, soft, snuggly blanket for my darling newborn daughter. I tried again with the pillow-case dress- having much more success with that one, and only one not so hot attempt. Anyway- I got bit by the crafty bug again, so I plugged in the sewing machine. I really want to make this cute purse I found online, but settled for a much simpler skirt for Isabelle for now. Not terrible, if I do say so myself. Now I'm not about to try and sell this stuff- so the un-even hem and un-finnished seams are fine by me. But I LOVE that I can pick my own materials and make the colors and patterns I want. I might have to crank out a few more skirts for her for the summer- I think summer clothes are a good idea, that way if they fall appart, at least she won't be cold!

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