Alex is OFFICIALLY Earl's son. That makes him officially his responsibility and in the event of my demise or misplacement, Earl is the ONE. The one who will be held accountable for what the boy does. Yup- I doubt that's how either of them looked at it, but in my head, I got a little chuckle whenever I thought of it that way. LOL. It was funny, when the court appointed investigator came and asked us a TON of questions about just about everything- she asked Alex what was going to change... he said "Nothing really... my last name... but that's really it". Yah, and he's right, that is really all that changed. It's amazing to realise that Earl's been his Dad for 4 years already... time has flown by. SO... this time, in this post, it's all about Alex. My sweet little boy is growing up. And doing a fine job of it (though he really needs to work on that math thing, just ask him, he'll tell you!) Oh, when we were all getting ready to go into court the other day, I had a little talk with him. I told him that this is to be his first and LAST time in a court of law, unless he becomes a Lawyer. He said he just may become a JUDGE... I said that was fine, but you have to be a lawyer first! lol. He's got big aspirations... hey, don't tell him that lawyers and judges probably don't really use a lot of math!
All of us-

And now, some of the boy that I love...

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