2. The seccond best thing about this week is that my husband went back to work. Yup, he's been home as long as the kiddos have! While I enjoyed the time spent lounging around, not being productive, watching an obscene number of movies- more than one human should watch in a 2 week period. I am OH SO glad he's out of the house for the majority of the day. I did get to a point where I actually called some of his friends and tried to unload him onto one of them- no one was biting. I could have called him my shadow. Do you know how limiting it is when you have a 6ft man shadow following you around? Thank the lord he works. It could have gotten ugly.
3. I have a new favorite picture of myself- ok, I like it atleast, which is new. I don't normally like pictures of me at all- this one is kind of cool... I took it while testing out my flash set up for the Christmas shoots, and just TODAY got to edit it.

4. My Christmas tree is still up. Yup- I haven't taken it down yet. It's the downside to having a fake tree- it isn't in danger of having all of it's needles fall off the seccond the presents have been unwrapped (which DID happen to me- the last year I had a real tree- I had about 6 inches of pine needles covering my floor in a 4 ft circle). I "plan" to take it down this week. Hey, I need a spot to set up my backdrop so I can play with my new lights!
5. I can share our Christmas card now, since it is now past Christmas and I won't be ruining the suprise for anyone- though I DO have a few that I forgot to pop in the mail sitting on my counter...

6. Oh- we got a new family member for Christmas- the kids picked her out and we brought her home on Dec. 13th! Meet Nala. Currently she's lounging ontop of our router, in her best attempt to over heat it so we'll get of our computers and play with her- or maybe it's just to keep warm and Isabelle hasn't found her yet.

7. We got to see Isabelle in her first school production... it was absolutely adorable. She didn't really pay attention in the first song- she and her little buddy decided they wanted to try to sneak back stage to poke at the baby Jesus in the manger... but the jumping song came up and that focused her attention!

Waiting for the show to start:

8. Isabelle has become obsessed with Karate- she's desperate to join. Every morning she wakes up and starts talking about doing karate today, "because I'm a big girl, I can do Karate now". When I tell her that Master Rexer sais she's got to be 4 to do it she replies "I AM 4!!!" Yah, she's trying to grow up faster already. I'm not sure she'll be my little ballarena but I'm pretty sure she'll be able to kick some butt by the time she's on her own in College. Guess I should have known here:

9. my head is spinning lately- with Logo design ideas, business planning stuff and promotional whatnot... I think I'll be doing a model call in the next few weeks... so if you know of any kids, couples, families, or Moms-to be- keep an eye on the blog for more info there. I'll probably pace myself and do one "type" at a time.
10. Here are a couple of Oldies, but goodies- from 2 years ago!

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