Yeah, I had a mini melt down this morning when I was trying to gather all my gear to do another shoot at the dealership, get Isabelle fed and out to school (OK, so those McDonald's burritos she loves have been her breakfast way too much lately- I think they know my car at the drive thru) and my dear husband calls from work, like I have NOTHING going on today, and asks me to find all the movies that should have gone back yesterday. Oh, and I got bubble wrap stuck to my foot while I was searching for the stupid movie under all the unmatched socks strewn all over the floor because my darling daughter loves to dump all laundry (folded or not) on the floor. Oh, and that darling husband had to have me "find his socks and a shirt please before I have to leave?" and "could you get those bills out in the mail" while you're at it? Yeah- it was more like a nuclear melt down. Nothing Mini about it. Only Isabelle was there to witness it- though she may be scared for life- or she may have not noticed a thing... A girl can dream, can't she?
OK- so back to the Hodge podge- I have some stuff to share. Like I said, I've been busy lately. I'll share just a few of the images from the MANY I have yet to proof and edit. Alex and I went to NYC (was that last weekend? or the weekend before?- OK, so it was the weekend after Turkey day... whenever that was? It was incredible. I was meant to live in the city- I swear it. I LOVE it there. So did Alex. It was just he and I. We went to see Mary Poppins. I had big plans for the day- FAO Swarz, Central Park, Times Square, the show, the Hard Rock, and the SUBWAY. Yeah, never been on the subway- not sure how it works, how you "do" it. We walked it all in the end- I didn't want either of us to miss a minute of the city. We walked from Macy's to Times Square with a few stops along the way. Wandered over to the square, checked out the hard rock (though it was too busy to get in before our show) took pictures the whole way. I think I'll share some of his in a later post. We didn't do anywhere close to what I'd had planned, but in the end, it was amazing. The show was incredible, the place was magical. The windows at Macy's were beautiful- oh and the Pizza we had for dinner was the best I've ever had.

Also, I've been doing family sessions for the employees at the Dealership. I've had quite a few great images come from these shoots, but I only have a few prepped to share... no back story here though- just images for you. Seriously cute kids though- it's fun taking pics of other peoples' kids- they listen a little better!

Love this- the sky was beautiful- Thanks Rob, for pointing it out to me!

well, I hope you enjoied- I have more to share, just not ready yet. Isabelle had her first Christmas Pageant ever today, so I'm hoping that my pictures from that can be salvaged- I had to use ***hanging head in shame*** on camera flash to get the pictures... so we'll see.
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