Well, the turkey has been eaten, the stuffing passed- heck I even went a round or two with the pumpkin pie (that was SO not on my diet, by the way). It's OK, I'm sure Master Rexer will work it out of me tomorrow- or I hope he does anyway. It was so good to see the family. I love watching the cousins run around causing a raucous at Grandmas' house. I love seeing my parents and siblings and all the additions to the family. The whole group has gotten SO big- it's amazing we fit at one (really long) table. There's just something about Thanksgiving- the way it kicks off the entire holiday season, that I love. I guess you could say, it's a great thing to have a family like mine.
This year, instead of each of us saying what we're thankful for, my parents told us what it is about us that they're thankful for. This year was a rough one in allot of ways for us all- my parent's especially. My Dad's accident- well, that was huge, and scary, and so much more. It truly scared the crap out of me- to think that my Dad could have been taken from us- I'm NOT ready to do this without him. I realised that I'm not always great at telling my Dad how much I love and respect him, or how important he is to me. How much I need his guidance still and just knowing that he's there- that he's been there for my entire life should I need him, that's huge for me. Plus, for my Mom, it's been hard, stressful, scary, challenging. I see her try to do way too much every day, but she always has time to do that one more thing- something for her kids, for my Dad, so often not for her... I worry about her. I also know that she's the kind of strong, determined, smart woman that will pull through. She'll face the challenge head on and plow right through it. I think that's where Isabelle actually gets her "bull in a china- shop" syndrome- she plows through problems the way my mom does- OK, maybe she makes more noise doing it. I'd be thrilled if Isabelle can get that part of her, that would be a very good thing.
This is a year that I recognize that I have so much to be thankful for. Every day there are challenges, new obstacles that need to be faced. Things that if we let them, could take us down and not let us back up. But they don't. They don't destroy me, they don't hold me back, they can't take me down. Why? Because I have this strong foundation. This incredible resource of support, love, understanding- my family. I'm lucky that my family is they way it is, that they've all got these traits that have helped to shape me into the person I am. I have parents that are beyond incredible, siblings that give it to me straight and hold me to the truth, a husband that supports me and kids that make me realise just how much crap I put my parents through!
So tonight I'm counting my blessings with extra care. I'm thankful, happy and loved. What more could I hope for?