No, I don't mean some violent edition of the blog. I promise, when I say I "shoot people" or I'm going to "shoot someone" I haven't turned despondant and hopeless, deciding to take everyone out with me in a blaze of glory- I'm just taking pictures. I promise what I'm doing is MUCH less painful and gory. Really. Heck, these each took all of 5 minutes to take. I even nailed a few of them on the first shot- almost wasn't worth getting all gussied up for. It certainly wasn't painful- was it guys? Nah. It was easy peasy! (I know, y'all are rolling your eyes at me "huh, easy for you to say, you were BEHIND the camera!" Right? Guys? Is this thing on? Tap, Tap, Tap)
Ok, enough talk, lets see some pics- well here ya go- I hope you all like them, since they're going to be posted at work for a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG time. In no particular order....

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