Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm still behind!

Suprise, suprise, I'm still behind. Now that senior season is winding down at the studio, I'll be able to spend more time on my personal photography. I wish I could share some of the studio stuff I've been shooting lately. I've been really happy with alot of it. Plus I"m shooting about 15-20 seniors a week, so it would be ALOT to share. Oh, and I just LOVE when I get a senior that's just awesome. I've had a few lately that are just incredible- great personalities, interresting people... oh well. Maybe I'll shoot some seniors for myself here soon. OK- so on to the photos. I don't have alot processed yet, but here are a few random ones. I have YET to get into ALex's birthday pics, but soon, I promise!

So first, are some pics of my Mom and kiddos- she's using these for her new Ad campaign.



I got my new lens- this is our pear tree- though I'm not sure they're edible, they have some black stuff on them, but they look nice!


And one fun one from the Plate Birthday Bash- the Great Daddy Cannon!

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