Suprise, suprise, I'm still behind. Now that senior season is winding down at the studio, I'll be able to spend more time on my personal photography. I wish I could share some of the studio stuff I've been shooting lately. I've been really happy with alot of it. Plus I"m shooting about 15-20 seniors a week, so it would be ALOT to share. Oh, and I just LOVE when I get a senior that's just awesome. I've had a few lately that are just incredible- great personalities, interresting people... oh well. Maybe I'll shoot some seniors for myself here soon. OK- so on to the photos. I don't have alot processed yet, but here are a few random ones. I have YET to get into ALex's birthday pics, but soon, I promise!
So first, are some pics of my Mom and kiddos- she's using these for her new Ad campaign.

I got my new lens- this is our pear tree- though I'm not sure they're edible, they have some black stuff on them, but they look nice!

And one fun one from the Plate Birthday Bash- the Great Daddy Cannon!
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