Saturday, August 2, 2008

No photos today

Well, I don't have any pics to share today, but I WILL. Soon. I have been shooting alot this week and just have to find the time to edit them all. I'll have horses, birthdays, zoo animals and a carousel to share with you all. It's birthday month in the Plate household. First is Isabelle, leading us off on the first, then Alex a week later, then ME (gulp, 29 isn't so bad, is it?). SO I'm sure I'll have even more to show you by the time we get to the sharing part of this blog. lol. We took Isabelle to the zoo for the first time yesterday and she LOVED it. I think her favorite part was the big cats exhibit. They were on the prowl and one of the tigers was rather vocal too. Then she got to see "baby jaguar" that were actually 2 leopards, but hey, she was thrilled! Of course, by the time we got to the end and she got to ride the carousel, she had a "private" ride, just for her birthday, then another with brother by her side. Man she loves those carousels- riding the "horseys"... "Giddy-up" and "Hee-Yah" and all that jazz. Alex enjoied himself too, don't let him fool you with that pre-teen 'tude... making its' self ever more present. Oh boy. Anyway, it was a good day. We have her kids' party tomorrow, then Alex has his next Saturday... lord only knows what Earl has planned for mine... then the big Plate Party with all the Plates, since there are SOOOO many summer birthdays in that group! So, get ready for photos gallore. Hey, maybe I'll get in a photoshoot sometime in there, and you'll get to see some great shots! Maybe.

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